My name is Deidre. I am a 33 year old divorcee with three amazing children! I was with my ex-husband from 2006 until 2018 which means I pretty much grew up with him and missed out on a lot of things, but that's life isn't it? We do have 50/50 custody which is great because your schedules are 1 week on and 1 week off. Took 3 years to get to that point....but it really does get better co-parenting.
So the reason that I am starting this blog (other than I need a hobby) is that I am an avid reader and am really interested is doing book and movie reviews. I have been writing my entire life and the thought never occurred to me until last night to start up a blog for books and movies....maybe throw in a TV show in there somewhere I'm sure!
I hope that the readers of this blog enjoy my reviews!
Also if you have books, movies, and/or TV shows....leave a comment on what it is and I will get right to reviewing as quickly as possible.